it hurts .... having missed the BlogCampPune 07 all i can say is that.
well ye i had registered for the event and was looking forward for it. but unfortunately i am in mumbai @ my home and writing this entry. wish i was writing this live from there :( well if you know me personally and if you read it carefully "unfortunately i am in mumbai" you will surely know how terrible i'm feeling :(
i'm sure this event will be a gr8 fun. its not just about fun, its really a good experience to meet such kinda ppl, share stuff and go camping. BarCamp hasn't been here since long .... just a year or two i guess. the topics were good but its lot more than that. you will only come to know if you have attended one. mine is purely based on my last yr's barcamp mumbai experience which was awesome!
for those of you who still doesn't know what barcamp is all about ... click here. In short, its an unconference where ppl voluntarily organize a (kinda) workshop. its actually a multi-threaded programme unlike typical workshops and one can participate, discuss, blog, upload snaps, feeds (do whatever you want) at runtime. but the interesting part about is the people you come across. some of 'em would be real geeks. that is why i said more than the topics, its interesting to meet such people (works for me). many-a-times pure spectators are not allowed but this was not one such.
I aint a hardcore blogger, I am more of just blog-for-me type. I prefer to blog whenever I have time and sufficient thoughts/content. its not that I was keen on attending for the list of topics (nor I was interested in "make money from your blog" ;)) , its really a wonderful experience. Also I have always enjoyed attending conferences, seminars, workshops. I really missed this 1 tho. unfotrunately there was no company as well to attend but the people there would easily accomodate you in no time so that was surely not the only reason. well don't ask me the reason why i couldn't attend. i've never felt this awful before (for any conference)
well thats all for blogcamp.
life is going pretty cool. not much of a pressure. very much keen on watching Pankaj Kapoor's 'DHARM' so you can expect some thoughts on that. he is one of those REAL ARTISTS and also the theme sounds interesting so definitely worth a watch and I am surely not going to miss it :)
- signing off
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