In 2006, filmmaker Jehane Noujaim won the TED Prize, an annual award granted at the TED Conference. She was granted $100,000, and more important, a wish to change the world. Her wish was to create a day in which the world came together through film. Pangea Day grew out of that wish. Watch Jehane Noujaim’s 2006 acceptance speech now.
The Pangea Day Mission & Purpose
Pangea Day is a global event bringing the world together through film. Why? In a world where people are often divided by borders, difference, and conflict, it's easy to lose sight of what we all have in common. Pangea Day seeks to overcome that – to help people see themselves in others – through the power of film. [source: official website]
The whole theme was to inspire a global community to keep aside the differences we have created and work towards the betterment of the human community in general.
It was an awesome show and I was really fortunate enough to tune into it (accidentally) at the right time. The show started at 18:00 GMT (11:30 PM IST) on May 10, 2008, locations in Cairo, Kigali, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, and Rio de Janeiro were linked for a live program of powerful films, live music, and visionary speakers. The entire program was broadcasted – in seven languages – to millions of people worldwide through the internet, television, and mobile phones. The show went for almost 4 longgg hours (although I could watch it only till 02:30 AM). It mainly featured short films on various themes right from human emotions to borders and some other social issues. Each film was pretty unique. It was all soo perfect. I bet they must've hard time evaluating entries. Between these films, they had arranged interviews, musical performances etc. In fact, the whole show was so nicely organized and well co-ordinated I must say.
It was an international competition which got about 2500 submissions from over one hundred countries. Out of these 24 films were chosen to be featured in this event. The films were chosen based on their ability to inspire, transform, and allow us see the world through another person's eyes. Details on the Pangea Day films can be viewed here. The program also included a number of exceptional speakers and musical performers. Queen Noor of Jordan, CNN's Christiane Amanpour, musician/activist Bob Geldof, and Iranian rock phenom Hypernova are among those taking part.
During one of the interviews, they showcased a website http://www.wefeelfine.org/ This system simply crawls blog entries all over the world every 10 minutes and collects sentences begining with "i feel" or "i am feeling" and gathers all the related data like gender, location information etc they can even get the weather information based on the location and time. The application basically is based on the particle system where single particle represents one entry. The system also decodes the sentence and comes out with not just with a type of feeling(happy, angry, depressed etc), it even tries to judge the degree of the feelings. Based on this data they have written an applet depicts this information in the visual form. So the combination of colors, shapes, transparency and size represent the type, degree of the feelings. The concept was similar to tag clouds. You can even click on the particle to see the actual text entry behnid it or even a photograph (if it has one). The system also exposes its API under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Sharealike license So if you want to integrate this system into your system or website, you can use the API subject to license terms and conditions.
If you beilieve in OneEarth, then you would have loved this show. If you missed it, you can catch some of the action at their official website here and last but not least, if you feel inspired, do check out the events and how to take part section here.
- signing off
Pangea Day is a global event bringing the world together through film. Why? In a world where people are often divided by borders, difference, and conflict, it's easy to lose sight of what we all have in common. Pangea Day seeks to overcome that – to help people see themselves in others – through the power of film. [source: official website]
The whole theme was to inspire a global community to keep aside the differences we have created and work towards the betterment of the human community in general.
It was an awesome show and I was really fortunate enough to tune into it (accidentally) at the right time. The show started at 18:00 GMT (11:30 PM IST) on May 10, 2008, locations in Cairo, Kigali, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, and Rio de Janeiro were linked for a live program of powerful films, live music, and visionary speakers. The entire program was broadcasted – in seven languages – to millions of people worldwide through the internet, television, and mobile phones. The show went for almost 4 longgg hours (although I could watch it only till 02:30 AM). It mainly featured short films on various themes right from human emotions to borders and some other social issues. Each film was pretty unique. It was all soo perfect. I bet they must've hard time evaluating entries. Between these films, they had arranged interviews, musical performances etc. In fact, the whole show was so nicely organized and well co-ordinated I must say.
It was an international competition which got about 2500 submissions from over one hundred countries. Out of these 24 films were chosen to be featured in this event. The films were chosen based on their ability to inspire, transform, and allow us see the world through another person's eyes. Details on the Pangea Day films can be viewed here. The program also included a number of exceptional speakers and musical performers. Queen Noor of Jordan, CNN's Christiane Amanpour, musician/activist Bob Geldof, and Iranian rock phenom Hypernova are among those taking part.
During one of the interviews, they showcased a website http://www.wefeelfine.org/ This system simply crawls blog entries all over the world every 10 minutes and collects sentences begining with "i feel" or "i am feeling" and gathers all the related data like gender, location information etc they can even get the weather information based on the location and time. The application basically is based on the particle system where single particle represents one entry. The system also decodes the sentence and comes out with not just with a type of feeling(happy, angry, depressed etc), it even tries to judge the degree of the feelings. Based on this data they have written an applet depicts this information in the visual form. So the combination of colors, shapes, transparency and size represent the type, degree of the feelings. The concept was similar to tag clouds. You can even click on the particle to see the actual text entry behnid it or even a photograph (if it has one). The system also exposes its API under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Sharealike license So if you want to integrate this system into your system or website, you can use the API subject to license terms and conditions.
If you beilieve in OneEarth, then you would have loved this show. If you missed it, you can catch some of the action at their official website here and last but not least, if you feel inspired, do check out the events and how to take part section here.
- signing off