yes this is my second post in a day. no i aint inspired from the blogcamp just that i've been customizing my google home since morning and here's how it looks now. it is lookin pretty fancy and ye it does its old job (search) too ;)
iGoogle has been here quite for a while. but it was only recently with the development of google gadgets that we can see it burst like never before. you can convert your google home into your personal portal for almost everything that you need is available in the form of gadgets. earlier google came up with the concept of gadgets for their google desktop product. (well actually AFAIK gadgets originated with apple's mac) gadgets are like small utility applications which one can use in day-to-day life. today google allows us to add these gadgets to your customized home page as well. In fact not only google but many leading portal containers have started offering Google Gadget Support. For eg: IBM's WebSphere, Apache's JetSpeed, Liferay all have come up with support for Google Gadgets in their portlet containers.
So basically you get all your utils handy with you on google page so you can add gadgets which give you stock updates, quotes of the day, word of the day, weather, gamse, wiki search even Bhagavad Gita. Also you can categorize these gadgets into multiple tabs. You can add your own tabs as per your requirement. Want more ... yes you can develope these on your own too. Although there will be some learning curve involved there. You can find more about Google gadget APIs here. You will need to learn some technicalities but once you know how to write these widgets, google will allow you to host them on their site. isn't it cool?
I agree couple of other portals have been already providing these things like personalization and stuff for longggggg time now for eg: Yahoo. But I feel this will be more effective as this will be more like community devlopment which has proved itself in many cases. And then it was interesting to see google turn (evolve) into a portal whereas Yahoo has alwasy been one. There's no denying that Yahoo has also started providing similar widgets thing but I beilive they are still only for desktop.They are quite cool as well but I wouldn't start on that now ;) and then no matter who gets who but as a user we will surely get to experience whole bunch of cool things.
well thats all on iGoogle.
iGoogle has been here quite for a while. but it was only recently with the development of google gadgets that we can see it burst like never before. you can convert your google home into your personal portal for almost everything that you need is available in the form of gadgets. earlier google came up with the concept of gadgets for their google desktop product. (well actually AFAIK gadgets originated with apple's mac) gadgets are like small utility applications which one can use in day-to-day life. today google allows us to add these gadgets to your customized home page as well. In fact not only google but many leading portal containers have started offering Google Gadget Support. For eg: IBM's WebSphere, Apache's JetSpeed, Liferay all have come up with support for Google Gadgets in their portlet containers.
So basically you get all your utils handy with you on google page so you can add gadgets which give you stock updates, quotes of the day, word of the day, weather, gamse, wiki search even Bhagavad Gita. Also you can categorize these gadgets into multiple tabs. You can add your own tabs as per your requirement. Want more ... yes you can develope these on your own too. Although there will be some learning curve involved there. You can find more about Google gadget APIs here. You will need to learn some technicalities but once you know how to write these widgets, google will allow you to host them on their site. isn't it cool?
I agree couple of other portals have been already providing these things like personalization and stuff for longggggg time now for eg: Yahoo. But I feel this will be more effective as this will be more like community devlopment which has proved itself in many cases. And then it was interesting to see google turn (evolve) into a portal whereas Yahoo has alwasy been one. There's no denying that Yahoo has also started providing similar widgets thing but I beilive they are still only for desktop.They are quite cool as well but I wouldn't start on that now ;) and then no matter who gets who but as a user we will surely get to experience whole bunch of cool things.
well thats all on iGoogle.
- signing off