well attitude is a misapprehended term. many ppl consider having an attitude is a bad sign while in reality we all have attitude.
Attitude: A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways.
so u alwayz beilieved there are two types of attitude positive and negative.
positive: those who assume or shud i say hope everything will be smooth and jus keep going against all odds to achieve their goal.
negative: those who lack self-belief and simply quit even when they have the potential.
well that does not mean you show the same attitude in everything. how you deal with things is also subject to other factors including your past experiences. but more or less people tend to be on one side of the court most of the times.
if you observe people carefully you will find another type and im one of them
it really works [for me at least]
conservative: blend of both positive, negative ... just pick the best of both worlds. give ur best but be prepared for the worst and most of the times u'd achieve more than wot u'd if you were only +ve .
if you stick to positive you run into a risk of overconfidence whereas being negative doesnt help either. so getting the balance is the key.
so if you ever thought i have -ve attitude, the secret is now unveiled ;)
- ameyas7
Monday, May 29, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
patience pays

this looks like an abyss or even cardiograph :)
ye almost every1 skipped their beat today when the sensex came crashing and the circuit breaker was applied. no1 was even sure if it'd continue, looked like the recovery would take months. but after an hour or two market opened again and fortunately showed some signs of recovery. hopefully things would be back on track by this weekend. this is the best time to invest (trust me if u have the $, this is the best time to pour in, u'll get returns like nething if u ride the wave now)
if u r still under loss (like me) jus hang in there for a while. afterall patience pays.
- ameyas7
Saturday, May 20, 2006
absolute introvert
WARNING: If you get drowned in this blog , you will need to devote considerable amount of time to go thru it. so if u r not free (like me) at the moment, bookmark this n go thru it later.
came across an interesting article on introverts n realized this is sooooo me :)
on googling landed up with detailed info on
1) myers-briggs theory on personality types
2) introverts personality traits.
Also went through this link for types of personalities (same stuff actually but have some short tests here 2 identify ur type). on taking the test, my type was INTp
If you want to know more about my personality type ( click here ) this is a must read.
if u've ever wondered why i never hav a smiling face for the camera (most of the times i have to try, even tho i have a smilin face otherwise ;) ) go throuh this article.
only 25% of ppl r introverts. feel good @ it :p i've never enojyed crowd neways ;) lol
introverts reacharge themselves they receive energy from within rather than from the outside world. <web-extract >They can't get lost in the energy of the crowd the way extroverts do but keep a strong sense of self that often makes them feel highly self conscious. But with a strong sense of self, introverts are not easily swayed by others' opinions. </web-extract >
if you know me for more than 4-5 yrs. u'd certainly agree with me(being an introvert). introvert is not the one who has no friends or no1 to talk to but its lot beyond that. there are "social introverts" i ain giving u links on this :p (not spoonfeeding ;) go google urself. so even if u find me jabbin all da time, deep down im really an introvert. note that introvert is not same as stage fear or being isolated all da time.
as most of u know i do not enjoy reading books (except technical) but yes i've always preferred reading artciles, columns. they r short n sweet. mostly scientific, realted to humans (absolutely nething n everything @ humans right from human body to mind,soul etc.), scoail issues and technical as well. i've enjoyed watchin discovery shows than movies. i prefer reality over fiction, well fiction does not include beyond2000 shows on discovery ;) hahaha.
about me, wot u see on the surface is completely different view than wots deep down. its like an ocean of emotions ... on the surface u might find me as calm n quiet (emotionally) but deep inside there r changes, erruptions happening constantly. dun try pushin me beyond my limits or else u'll get tsunami :))
well this is all what i've to say. go thru the links, take tests, let me know wot ur type is. beilive me its a gr8 feelin to discover thyself.
signin off
came across an interesting article on introverts n realized this is sooooo me :)
on googling landed up with detailed info on
1) myers-briggs theory on personality types
2) introverts personality traits.
Also went through this link for types of personalities (same stuff actually but have some short tests here 2 identify ur type). on taking the test, my type was INTp
If you want to know more about my personality type ( click here ) this is a must read.
if u've ever wondered why i never hav a smiling face for the camera (most of the times i have to try, even tho i have a smilin face otherwise ;) ) go throuh this article.
only 25% of ppl r introverts. feel good @ it :p i've never enojyed crowd neways ;) lol
introverts reacharge themselves they receive energy from within rather than from the outside world. <web-extract >
if you know me for more than 4-5 yrs. u'd certainly agree with me(being an introvert). introvert is not the one who has no friends or no1 to talk to but its lot beyond that. there are "social introverts" i ain giving u links on this :p (not spoonfeeding ;) go google urself. so even if u find me jabbin all da time, deep down im really an introvert. note that introvert is not same as stage fear or being isolated all da time.
as most of u know i do not enjoy reading books (except technical) but yes i've always preferred reading artciles, columns. they r short n sweet. mostly scientific, realted to humans (absolutely nething n everything @ humans right from human body to mind,soul etc.), scoail issues and technical as well. i've enjoyed watchin discovery shows than movies. i prefer reality over fiction, well fiction does not include beyond2000 shows on discovery ;) hahaha.
about me, wot u see on the surface is completely different view than wots deep down. its like an ocean of emotions ... on the surface u might find me as calm n quiet (emotionally) but deep inside there r changes, erruptions happening constantly. dun try pushin me beyond my limits or else u'll get tsunami :))
well this is all what i've to say. go thru the links, take tests, let me know wot ur type is. beilive me its a gr8 feelin to discover thyself.
signin off
not such a good week(end)
its been a pretty hectic week. work pressures plus suffered financial losses in stock :( going thru bad times (or shd i say correction factor) .... i've alwayz been pro-globalization but sometimes it can b painful :) the market is goin absolute haywire. actually this is a good time 2 make investment but im broke now ;) got no more fundz 2 put in for stock
neways need 2 hang in there for some time (no other choice lol)
the reservation issue is getting lot of rage here. it was bad 2 see all medical students been hit badly by police. i wish 2 see reservation-free india the whole concept has no base. heres a nice article on indian reservations (link shared by rishikeshshetty, ncst pal) lot of demonstrations/protests against reservation issue by students/professionals. why cant we simply stop using castes, afterall its only a man-made attribute. instead of providing reservations, govt shd provide scholarships/financial aid etc. ye ye every1 knows that but can (are) we really do(ing) something about it? i guess we all want to do something about it to change it but dont know wot to do. stay updated @ news on reservation issue here n chk out wots happenin in ur town n do participate if u can. i do not beilive in online petitions. the whole concept is meaningless. coz 1 person can put entry as many times as he/she desires to. so it doesn make ne point.
have to go to office tom eve for production work. working on sundayz is BAD except for pizza party ;) but then its only for 3-4 hours so not that bad. so overall not a good week n weekend as well.
neways need 2 hang in there for some time (no other choice lol)
the reservation issue is getting lot of rage here. it was bad 2 see all medical students been hit badly by police. i wish 2 see reservation-free india the whole concept has no base. heres a nice article on indian reservations (link shared by rishikeshshetty, ncst pal) lot of demonstrations/protests against reservation issue by students/professionals. why cant we simply stop using castes, afterall its only a man-made attribute. instead of providing reservations, govt shd provide scholarships/financial aid etc. ye ye every1 knows that but can (are) we really do(ing) something about it? i guess we all want to do something about it to change it but dont know wot to do. stay updated @ news on reservation issue here n chk out wots happenin in ur town n do participate if u can. i do not beilive in online petitions. the whole concept is meaningless. coz 1 person can put entry as many times as he/she desires to. so it doesn make ne point.
have to go to office tom eve for production work. working on sundayz is BAD except for pizza party ;) but then its only for 3-4 hours so not that bad. so overall not a good week n weekend as well.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Changing Minds....
have u ever been criticised to change your opinions/views on certain things ?
well i belong to the "changing minds" category. and why not. what is wrong with reviewing your own views. most of the times our views are based on certain premise. but as time passes n facts emerge, one must revise his/her views. many ppl would relate maturity with CONSTANT/STABLE views. i'd rather say its only human to change n adapt to the changes.
in fact i beilive that it is one of the best things about humans. this reminds me of couple of shows/seminars on machine learning systems. earlier machines were built with some programmed chip which would simply do the routine job. but great amount of effort has already been put in building systems which would rather self-learn its job. people are trying to build machines/systems which will mature over time by learning the facts.
lets not get more into it.
but i have seen ppl would hesitate to accept that their views being different than what it was earlier. i simply fail to understand why. if you have strong reason/base jus go ahead with the change.
so the bottom line is constant review of your views will lead to mature views.
have u reviewed ur views 2de? (nice tagline ;) hahaha)
well i belong to the "changing minds" category. and why not. what is wrong with reviewing your own views. most of the times our views are based on certain premise. but as time passes n facts emerge, one must revise his/her views. many ppl would relate maturity with CONSTANT/STABLE views. i'd rather say its only human to change n adapt to the changes.
in fact i beilive that it is one of the best things about humans. this reminds me of couple of shows/seminars on machine learning systems. earlier machines were built with some programmed chip which would simply do the routine job. but great amount of effort has already been put in building systems which would rather self-learn its job. people are trying to build machines/systems which will mature over time by learning the facts.
lets not get more into it.
but i have seen ppl would hesitate to accept that their views being different than what it was earlier. i simply fail to understand why. if you have strong reason/base jus go ahead with the change.
so the bottom line is constant review of your views will lead to mature views.
have u reviewed ur views 2de? (nice tagline ;) hahaha)
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Getting Philosophical
was just thinking about atul chitnis's session on how size and distance are related. he showed a simple example to illustrate that many factors contribute towards the effectiveness/usefulness of a thing. n u cant ignore any of them. he simply asked us if the clock on the wall was bigger than your wristwatch. well if u compare them side by side the wall-clock is much bigger in size but when the wall clock is hung on the wall, its prob at a much longer distance than ur wristwatch n thus u'll find wristwatch 2 b more effective.
well theres not much of a connection of his statement with what i've concluded :)) as he was simply talkin about mobile computing and its problems. but somehow i've landed with the following thoughts.
when u r actually going through problems, you will always feel that this is the biggest problem but few yrs down the line the same problem will appear to be really small. so basically as u travel the distance in time, even the biggest problem then, will appear to be the tiniest. the point is always try to have a birds eye view when u r dealing with any problem and soon u'll realise dealing with any problem is no problem at all.
well theres not much of a connection of his statement with what i've concluded :)) as he was simply talkin about mobile computing and its problems. but somehow i've landed with the following thoughts.
when u r actually going through problems, you will always feel that this is the biggest problem but few yrs down the line the same problem will appear to be really small. so basically as u travel the distance in time, even the biggest problem then, will appear to be the tiniest. the point is always try to have a birds eye view when u r dealing with any problem and soon u'll realise dealing with any problem is no problem at all.
Yahoo! mail beta
got yahoo mail beta invite few days back. n it rox.so live mail is in. got gmail, hotmail (windoz live), Y! mail all r into live clients.
every1 luvs gmail. somehow i dun use it as much as yahoo or hotmail but their concept is unbeatable. but im stil attached 2 Y! mail.
windoz live mail is good as well but kinda buggy as of now. i have to open my box 2-3 times (encountered quite often) in order to get in. not sure if this is bcoz of my resoultion size. also many a times it hangs after attaching the file. it sux coz uve already waited for it 2 attach the doc n then u have 2 close it down.
yahoo mail beta rox in its own way. pretty smooth n classy in style (as always) it looks stunning and when u open the mail, it opens it as a new tab rather than jus opening in ur inbox. so u can switch back n forth between mails/box. u have to use it to beilive it. so far no bugs with Y! beta. nice mailing experience. need 2 explore more.
- ameyas7
every1 luvs gmail. somehow i dun use it as much as yahoo or hotmail but their concept is unbeatable. but im stil attached 2 Y! mail.
windoz live mail is good as well but kinda buggy as of now. i have to open my box 2-3 times (encountered quite often) in order to get in. not sure if this is bcoz of my resoultion size. also many a times it hangs after attaching the file. it sux coz uve already waited for it 2 attach the doc n then u have 2 close it down.
yahoo mail beta rox in its own way. pretty smooth n classy in style (as always) it looks stunning and when u open the mail, it opens it as a new tab rather than jus opening in ur inbox. so u can switch back n forth between mails/box. u have to use it to beilive it. so far no bugs with Y! beta. nice mailing experience. need 2 explore more.
- ameyas7
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Barcamp Mumbai

heya folks,
Barcamp: bunch of geeks, gadgets, samosas, WiFi connection, tea, coffee and geek talks put together and best of all it is free.
i attended barcamp mumbai today. it was gr8 to see all geeky (tho im not1 yet) ppl / stuff in town in action. well thanks to vinayak (vincrazy http://vinayakh.livejournal.com/ ) for sharing the info. the session started with sms based applications ... it was good 1 .. tho nothing gr8, idea was simple yet cool. then there were talks on AJAX , RIA (sounds like some babe ;) ) but stands for Rich (sexy) :)) Internet Applications jus like ur yahoo beta mail, windoz live mail etc. got a chance to get an overview on open laszlo, flex. talkin @ flex one of my ncst friend rishikesh (tho we havent yet met so far :) jus yahoo pals) is working on flex development team with adobe. flex is the adobe's coolest product for developing RIA solutions.
barcamp is not only about techy stuff but there were few generic / non techie talks as well. there were kaustubh and shreyas (founders of infinity radio). they rocked the show :D well they actually du that everyday so nothin gr8 for them ... hahaha ... they run an online streaming radio which streams "virgin" indian (independent) music rock / folk / heavy metal / devotional nethin n everything. YOU VE GOT TO CHECK THIS OUT NOW! http://infinityradio.info/ basically they are making an attempt to provide a platform to the bands who have the potential. and the entire hosting expenses go str8 from their pockets as of now. 3 cheers 2 em.
then there were some techie talks on LISP emacs hackin n few others. we also had a session on WEB 2.0 (i am still not clear with the scope of web 2.0 apps :)) ) then we saw some cool gadgets , apps. there was also a session on hosting pictures on your own websites rather than using flickr or other hosting services. ( by Tariq http://www.tariquesani.net ) Atul ( http://atulchitnis.com/ ) gave a session on mobile computing. it was also quite good n interesting.
you can expect some flickr action at this tag http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/barcampmumbai/well overall it was a good camp. though it wasnt like other conceptual seminars @ IIT but it was more of sharing knowledge, more on technical side. and then chai , snax n lunch were good as well :D also got wikipedia webpack dvd by webaroo.
last but not the least saw kororaa linux distro which can actually let u revolve (ye u heard it correctly "revolving desktop" XGL graphics http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/5476 ) ur desktop in all 4 faces ( as if it was cube) it was way too cool, also u cud set transparency n some other eyecandy stuff. i kno i kno sun's glass will offer lot more but it was gr8 to see this in live.
so well thts all @ barcampmumbai'06
me signin off for now
My first blog on blogger.com
heya ppl,
well well this is my first blog here. i do blog on yahoo 360 though not frequently but have couple of blogs there. from now on ill replicate all my blogs on here as well :)
for my earlier blogs n more info check http://360.yahoo.com/ameyas7
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