fnially i made up my mind and bought new SONY Ericsson K790i its one of the best camera phones that exist today. it was also featured in Casin Royale (that was special edition K800i though). it has got SONY Cybershot digital camera with 3.2 megapixel ... picture quality is awesome. you can view some samples on my flickr stream. it has got almost all the functions of a (basic) digital camera like auto focus, macro mode, scenes, stabilizer, panaroma, red eye reduction and blah blah blah .... best of all it has real xenon flash (unlike LED flash with many mobile cams). it also comes with BestPic feature whereby it takes around 9 shots in 1 second and then you can pick the best picture (moment) it is useful when the object is moving. you can even moblog (publish on blog) the pictures instantly.
it also has e-mail , RSS feeds , good quality web browser and PlayNow (whereby you can download the track information given a piece of track). i am not too mobile savvy so i really havnt configured GPRS or any net connetcion ... i can simply manage with the bluetooth. Both USB and bluetooth are of version 2 which means lesser transfer time. it also comes with EDGE. its always better to get as many features as you can ;)
the display is quite cool and stylish as well. it comes with very vibrant colors. looks like i can market this thing easily ;) (if i had to). But on the downside, the menu is not very user friendly i guess that goes for most of the SONY phones. also i had heard that the earlier models had problems with the joystick in the long run (i just hope this one doesn't have any :) ) i miss my nokia badly. this was one of the main reasons why i was not very keen on buying SONY phones. they should seriously consider putting some time designing user-friendly menus. Nokia rocks in that area. another thins is it can certainly play music but it doesn't belong to the walkman series (alas) ... i wish it did. the sound quality is not all that great. when you put on the speakers the voice really cracks ... the maximum volume level is also quite low. you really dont feel the vibe whatsoever. but then its not that bad either. and you get decent sound with the earphones plugged in.
the memory stick is again unique M2 micro which is not so common / popular. also the size is very less just 64MB (of course it is expandable) but when you see the camera in action, it RULES.
so it basically is a digital camera with phone ;)
and with 3.2 MP, my new year resolution is gonna be 2048 x 1536 ;)
happy clicking.
wish you all a very happy and a prosperous new year.
all these are my personal opinions / experience about the product. reader's discrimination required. (i should reduce watching discovery shows ;) )
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
its party time .........

alright now ... yet another late entry.
we had our (SYMHUNGAMA - Symantec event) annual day last sat .... n guess wot EUPHORIA had come. CAN U BEAT THAT? of course i had to stay there on saturday (but yeah i caught the next bus to mumbai just as the show ended :D )
the party was really good. it reminded me of last year's BASH by the JOSH (Tech Mahindra group) and there was obvious comparison. The scale of JOSH was really very BIG but this party ROCKED.
talking @ euphoria ... i have loved the band since the maeri song. it was just too good and the concert experience was just awesome. actually it was more like a corporate show than a concert and obviously you wouldn expect headbanging there :) but still it was good to see them on stage. Those guys r just fulllllllll of energy especially the lead singer Dr. Palash Sen. i got to experience some of their best collections LIVE.
the last song had a wonderful shayari
marne ke baad bhi meri aakhe khuli rahi,
aadat padi hui thi inhe intezaar ki ....
jab se tumhe dil se bhulane ki kasam khayi hai,
aur pehle se bhi jyada teri yaad aayi hai
awesome ...isnt it :) i could go on and on with euphoria but it is something which can't be expressed and one should experience on his own.
on the work front, life is pretty good. i am currently working with active directory ( i had no clue of that before few weeks and now im getting the hang of it) but its kool :) have pretty much finalized on my acco in pune. so so far soo good.
me, parag, deepak and sheetal met yday @ The Hub ... co-incidently we met tameshwar who had also come there for shopping with his wife. vaishali , gauri n prachi gave kalti as usual ;)
me and parag have been buddies @ MET, Xoriant, Tech Mahindra. others are my Xoriant buddies. Sheetal is going to US for MS, hence we all had planned to meet up.
and last but not least, my sis is coming here on 28th Dec. so its gonna be the best time of the year. Unfortunately Ill be in pune most of the time but will be here on weekends and will try for 2-3 leaves as well :D lets see. Unfortunately I could not order my laptop :( it was late alredy. but never mind Yash (my nephew) s gonna be here again :D Am I in the state of EUPHORIA already ;) ?
- siging off
Saturday, November 11, 2006
reincarnation ....
hello there,
if you remember (and if you had noticed ;) ) i used to write "Java soul trapped into C++ body" in the about me section of my blogspot profile. well well now this soul is set free and found a new java life :D ... finally.
i did not quit Tech M only because i wanted to work on java. there were lot of other personal factors involved which obviously i'd not prefer disclosing in public blogs. otherwise i could have sticked with Tech M for couple of yrs more.
i have joined veritas (symantec) on 1st Nov. the work culture is just too good and so is the work. its a great opportunity to work on a project which is still at the requirements stage. so i get to experience the entire SDLC and with veritas (symantec) its like "sone pe suhaga" :) the technology is obviously java ;) ... so far sooo goood. also the company strength isn't as BIG as that of Tech M. i mean worldwide they might be having huge workforce but in my branch there are only around 300-400 employees. of course they have couple of offices in pune itself. but in Tech M the worldwide workforce might have been equal but in our branch we had around 1.5k-2k ppl. thts quite a number ... but yes working in an office with high # doesnt signify anything. and also it has its own disadvantages. you dont really get that much visibility. so everything has its own +/-
but i miss mumbai badly. yes, i had to move to pune. thankfully prashant (my ncst friend pashya no.1 ... i bet you figured it out the no. 1 thing ... lol ) came to the rescue and am staying in his apartment for a while :) living independently is also a good experience ( actually theres no choice ;) ) but mum-pune isnt al that far so ill be here almost every weekend or at least once in a fortnight. the only major problem with pune is local commute :) public transport is terrific in pune. i wonder howcome noone ever realized the need for improving it.
me, pashya and 1 of his friend had gone for dinner to celebrate my bday :)
also we had gone for team dinner on friday night.
well thats al from me. its been longgggg since i blogged last time. i was busy with all of these interviews and other things. and probably will be occupied for some more time until i settle down properly :) and then unfortunately i dont have a pc @ my home. (i cant imagine im living without net or even a PC :D ) but soon things will be back on track.
till then Adios, amigos
- ameyas7
if you remember (and if you had noticed ;) ) i used to write "Java soul trapped into C++ body" in the about me section of my blogspot profile. well well now this soul is set free and found a new java life :D ... finally.
i did not quit Tech M only because i wanted to work on java. there were lot of other personal factors involved which obviously i'd not prefer disclosing in public blogs. otherwise i could have sticked with Tech M for couple of yrs more.
i have joined veritas (symantec) on 1st Nov. the work culture is just too good and so is the work. its a great opportunity to work on a project which is still at the requirements stage. so i get to experience the entire SDLC and with veritas (symantec) its like "sone pe suhaga" :) the technology is obviously java ;) ... so far sooo goood. also the company strength isn't as BIG as that of Tech M. i mean worldwide they might be having huge workforce but in my branch there are only around 300-400 employees. of course they have couple of offices in pune itself. but in Tech M the worldwide workforce might have been equal but in our branch we had around 1.5k-2k ppl. thts quite a number ... but yes working in an office with high # doesnt signify anything. and also it has its own disadvantages. you dont really get that much visibility. so everything has its own +/-
but i miss mumbai badly. yes, i had to move to pune. thankfully prashant (my ncst friend pashya no.1 ... i bet you figured it out the no. 1 thing ... lol ) came to the rescue and am staying in his apartment for a while :) living independently is also a good experience ( actually theres no choice ;) ) but mum-pune isnt al that far so ill be here almost every weekend or at least once in a fortnight. the only major problem with pune is local commute :) public transport is terrific in pune. i wonder howcome noone ever realized the need for improving it.
me, pashya and 1 of his friend had gone for dinner to celebrate my bday :)
also we had gone for team dinner on friday night.
well thats al from me. its been longgggg since i blogged last time. i was busy with all of these interviews and other things. and probably will be occupied for some more time until i settle down properly :) and then unfortunately i dont have a pc @ my home. (i cant imagine im living without net or even a PC :D ) but soon things will be back on track.
till then Adios, amigos
- ameyas7
Monday, October 02, 2006
happiness and you
i happened to attend a meditation session 1-2 months back in our office (ye i have just too much of time @ my disposal ;) ) that guy casually mentioned that "happiness is dependent on efforts and expectations" (i do not really remember the exact sentence ... its been lil long n i was occupied with other personal stuff so these thoughts had taken a backseat for a while) and that was sufficient to ignite a spark for me. and after a lot of thinking i have related many things together ;) and come up with my own thoughts (in addition to his statement) :D
most of the times we associate happiness with tangible things / assets.
but two people with same set of assets are equally happy ? no .... why? coz lot of other factors play role.
the general level of happiness is dependent on the aggregate result of individual happiness achieved from various processes/actions.
at a lowest level of granualirity i.e. happiness from one particular act / process, is a complex function of efforts, expectations, outcome and last but not least personal objectives in life (these r the minimal factors and the list may not be exhaustive ;) )
where inputs = the value of inputs (time, efforts, money) that go into achieving something.
expectations = the minimum outcome that we expect from the process (this also determines the level of satisfaction)
outcome = the actual outcome of the process.
personal objectives = how the process/ actions have contributed towards the overall personal objectives of an individual.
ceteris paribus (all ther factors being equal .... my fav phrase from economics ;) this wud go in all of the definitions lol)
inputs: inputs show an inverse relationship with happiness. i.e. more the efforts lesser the happiness and vice-versa.
expectations: expectations also show an inverse relationship with happiness.
outcome: it shows a direct relationship.
meeting one's personal objectives: this also shows direct relationship.
the weights of these factors vary from person to person.
i used to argue with my friends that the so called upcoming stars who make crores of rupees overnight based on some soap (TV) contests and on general public (who really have no clue wot the contest is about ;)) votes mus be really lucky coz the people who were in the judges' place actually took years of hardwork to earn that much of $$$ , fame (some may not have earned so far) . i agree that even the contestants put in efforts some have actually been performing since their childhood ... i really appreciate their true talent but its's nowhere compared to the one who r judgin them and frankly speaking most of the times u'll see that the winner is decided based on the votes from general public (mob). Y is life so unfair ? but when i gave it a deep thought i realized that happiness is not only about $$ n fame for these (judges the real artist) ppl. in the process they have also contributed towards their personal objectives and i was ignoring that factor earlier. for a true artist its the joy of performing rather than expecting appreciation (fame, $$) from the public. also if u notice .... those who made it overnight are more or less lost in the crowd now and the newer upcoming stars have taken their place and it continues. so basically easy come, easy go.
out of all the factors, only inputs and expectations can be controlled by an individual rest are not predictable. so the point is try to concentrate on things which can be changed. that is what is mentioned in bhagwadgeeta "karmanyewa adhikaraste, ma phaleshu kadachanam" ( i aint really good at sanskrit so plz excuse any typos) i.e. do ur duty without expecting any outcome. so when you lower down your expectations that does not mean that your actions have no objective. end objective and expectations are totally different things.
sometimes u'll find that the inputs are high, outcome is not what we really expected (in short the process was a failure) but still the person might be happy coz in the process he has contributed towards his long term goals. this often happens with ppl involved in R&D, scientists, artists etc.
having said all this .... it is really very hard to put it in practice and will require some concious efforts (and you may alos feel that it will ruin the entire happiness .... lol) . but then with time it'll come easily. you will be surprised if i tell u that healthy breathing techniques also require concious attempts initially :)
most of u might feel we already know al this but its the joy of relating things, putting them together and sharing through blogs is what caused this action ;)
- ameyas7
most of the times we associate happiness with tangible things / assets.
but two people with same set of assets are equally happy ? no .... why? coz lot of other factors play role.
the general level of happiness is dependent on the aggregate result of individual happiness achieved from various processes/actions.
at a lowest level of granualirity i.e. happiness from one particular act / process, is a complex function of efforts, expectations, outcome and last but not least personal objectives in life (these r the minimal factors and the list may not be exhaustive ;) )
where inputs = the value of inputs (time, efforts, money) that go into achieving something.
expectations = the minimum outcome that we expect from the process (this also determines the level of satisfaction)
outcome = the actual outcome of the process.
personal objectives = how the process/ actions have contributed towards the overall personal objectives of an individual.
ceteris paribus (all ther factors being equal .... my fav phrase from economics ;) this wud go in all of the definitions lol)
inputs: inputs show an inverse relationship with happiness. i.e. more the efforts lesser the happiness and vice-versa.
expectations: expectations also show an inverse relationship with happiness.
outcome: it shows a direct relationship.
meeting one's personal objectives: this also shows direct relationship.
the weights of these factors vary from person to person.
i used to argue with my friends that the so called upcoming stars who make crores of rupees overnight based on some soap (TV) contests and on general public (who really have no clue wot the contest is about ;)) votes mus be really lucky coz the people who were in the judges' place actually took years of hardwork to earn that much of $$$ , fame (some may not have earned so far) . i agree that even the contestants put in efforts some have actually been performing since their childhood ... i really appreciate their true talent but its's nowhere compared to the one who r judgin them and frankly speaking most of the times u'll see that the winner is decided based on the votes from general public (mob). Y is life so unfair ? but when i gave it a deep thought i realized that happiness is not only about $$ n fame for these (judges the real artist) ppl. in the process they have also contributed towards their personal objectives and i was ignoring that factor earlier. for a true artist its the joy of performing rather than expecting appreciation (fame, $$) from the public. also if u notice .... those who made it overnight are more or less lost in the crowd now and the newer upcoming stars have taken their place and it continues. so basically easy come, easy go.
out of all the factors, only inputs and expectations can be controlled by an individual rest are not predictable. so the point is try to concentrate on things which can be changed. that is what is mentioned in bhagwadgeeta "karmanyewa adhikaraste, ma phaleshu kadachanam" ( i aint really good at sanskrit so plz excuse any typos) i.e. do ur duty without expecting any outcome. so when you lower down your expectations that does not mean that your actions have no objective. end objective and expectations are totally different things.
sometimes u'll find that the inputs are high, outcome is not what we really expected (in short the process was a failure) but still the person might be happy coz in the process he has contributed towards his long term goals. this often happens with ppl involved in R&D, scientists, artists etc.
having said all this .... it is really very hard to put it in practice and will require some concious efforts (and you may alos feel that it will ruin the entire happiness .... lol) . but then with time it'll come easily. you will be surprised if i tell u that healthy breathing techniques also require concious attempts initially :)
most of u might feel we already know al this but its the joy of relating things, putting them together and sharing through blogs is what caused this action ;)
- ameyas7
Thursday, August 24, 2006
kabhi alvida na kehna .... unleashed
finally i saw the movie yday. i always wanted 2 see this 1 bcoz i knew it'd be something very different. i am neither KJ (karan johar) fan nor i enjoy his typical triangular series but this movie had a strong baseline. of course many ppl hated it for the story line itself.
well heres wot i have to say @ the movie.
i'd give plus to the theme. din bother much about anyone's acting. no1 has acted badly but not very good either. mr bachhan has been given the role of a weirdo ;) but he has performed quite well in that as well :D
the story revovles around 2 couples. both r goin thru emotional trauma and how they end up parting from each other n then moving on with life. well i'd not comment upon _THE_END_ of the story as its quite hard to put urself in any of those characters shoes (especially when u dun have the shoes :)) meaning when u rnt really married ;) ). the theme is nice but KJ has failed to portray it properly. u can understand why rani n abhishek , preity n srk depart but i din really get why rani n srk come together. it looks more like just falling in love with the person whos goin thru the same phase as urs. that can serve as a base for friendship but not love for sure. he cud've shown more convincing events to show them coming 2gether. mebbe he din have time ;) lol ... but he cud've cut upon all crap jokes n unwanted events. in short he has failed to portray rani n srk comin together. i found the movie just too complex.
(thankfully) it does not happen with every1 of us but yes its quite practical n very much possible, tho it falls under very very rare % of scenarios. n thtswot i liked @ the movie.
many of my friends hated this movie coz of the ending n they found this whole thing bigtime crap. but then there are as many opinions as # of people. sometimes ppl want to accept only all the good things but then in reality most of the harsh facts come in surprise packages.
again i'd not prefer to comment if their actions (divorce n then 2nd marriage) are acceptable (right) or not. i have no clue about how it might feel but i'd not blindly say that it was wrong.
ye ye i know it was just a movie n i shdnt be thinking soo much about it :p but then it happens not always tho ;)
signin off
well heres wot i have to say @ the movie.
i'd give plus to the theme. din bother much about anyone's acting. no1 has acted badly but not very good either. mr bachhan has been given the role of a weirdo ;) but he has performed quite well in that as well :D
the story revovles around 2 couples. both r goin thru emotional trauma and how they end up parting from each other n then moving on with life. well i'd not comment upon _THE_END_ of the story as its quite hard to put urself in any of those characters shoes (especially when u dun have the shoes :)) meaning when u rnt really married ;) ). the theme is nice but KJ has failed to portray it properly. u can understand why rani n abhishek , preity n srk depart but i din really get why rani n srk come together. it looks more like just falling in love with the person whos goin thru the same phase as urs. that can serve as a base for friendship but not love for sure. he cud've shown more convincing events to show them coming 2gether. mebbe he din have time ;) lol ... but he cud've cut upon all crap jokes n unwanted events. in short he has failed to portray rani n srk comin together. i found the movie just too complex.
(thankfully) it does not happen with every1 of us but yes its quite practical n very much possible, tho it falls under very very rare % of scenarios. n thtswot i liked @ the movie.
many of my friends hated this movie coz of the ending n they found this whole thing bigtime crap. but then there are as many opinions as # of people. sometimes ppl want to accept only all the good things but then in reality most of the harsh facts come in surprise packages.
again i'd not prefer to comment if their actions (divorce n then 2nd marriage) are acceptable (right) or not. i have no clue about how it might feel but i'd not blindly say that it was wrong.
ye ye i know it was just a movie n i shdnt be thinking soo much about it :p but then it happens not always tho ;)
signin off
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
spirit / ashamed ?
11 July, 2006 it was just another day in our life (till evening) . arnd 6:00 - 6:30 pm we were having penalty shootout (organised by JOSH group) contest in our office premises. we were practising (playing) football having gala time. we had no clue what had happened few miles away. few mins later we went up and came across the shocking news ... 2 blasts happened in mumbai .... 5 died. i did not take it much seriously as i didn't know if it was just a rumour coz every1 seemed to be normal few mins back. then we started browsing news sites n the number of blasts, victims went on rising from 2 to 7 ..... 8 blasts in a span of 11 mins time. yet another event shocked mumbai and the spot chosen was the lifeline of mumbai ... the railways. luckily every1 in my family was home n i had spoke 2 my dad just few mins ago so i was quite ok but was worried @ one of my college friend who stays @ meera-bhayander rd. area n also few of office pals whom i met @ 5:30 when they were swiping out. the blasts took place exactly an hour later which means they wud be in the nearby area. i tried calling them but all the lines were jammed.
finally i left for home @ 7:40 pm and reached home arnd 8:45 pm so luckily no hassles for me at all. kudos to the office bus :D its a royal luxury in such times ;) just kidding. after i reached home, i went online ... just like i do every other day :) lotsa msgs started popping up. few of my friends who wanted to reach their family back here in india but they cudn get thru so i was tryin for a while. but no luck till past 9 pm. being online is a good way to communicate especially when al the phone lines r enggaged / jammed. my sis had also called but i wasnt home then. one of my friend told me that all the friends who were expected to be nearby jogeshwari were safe at their relative's place. so a sigh of relief. next day i came to know that they were just a train behind the 1 that was blast. who can even think that a missed train can really make a difference of life n death but ask those who missed that train.
i was checking the news on TV .. lot of stills, videos, interviews .... ppl were blaming the police, RPF , govt ..... yes i agree that its but natural to react in this way but somehow i feel even they cudn't have done much of a difference. it was the local public who came to the rescue of these victims.
today i got loadssssssssssss of mails ... came across newspaper's headlines ..... mumbai back on track ... mumbaikar's spirit ...... ppl r resuming for work .. this n that ... lotsa celebrities gave their opinions about the SPIRIT ....... but if u think carefully its only people like you and me who didn't really suffer the tragedy went back on work just like any other day ... but will things be the same for those who actually suffered the tragedy... those who lost their loved ones those who suffered serious (permanent) injuries. will life ever be back to normal for them ? will compensation really help ?
yes of course i agree that they will come over it someday but its gonna take some time.
but when everyone else is talking about the spirit, i feel "we really dont have any other choice" we are just trying to hide the facts but hiding facts wont change the situation. its a real shame that such incidents are happening quite often. i seriously dont know why we treat failure of the system as spirit of mumbai ? its high time we should realize its the helplessness of the city rather than the spirit. i think we are getting used to such incidences ... we are ignoring severe incidents (like yday) under the tag of SPIRIT. "ab to aadat si hai mujhko .. aise jeene mein ....."
but during the news i also saw many volunteers forming a longggggggggg queue to donate blood to help the victims in every possible way .. many local students also gave shelter to needy ones in their hostels ... lots of food, water n basic necessities being distributed ... even the media (news channels, radio stations) acted as a messenger for needy ppl, they also gave out the good amount of info as to which victims have been admitted to which hospitals, their contact numbers etc ..... only these small fraction of people DESERVE the SPIRIT tag others were just being a part of the crowd. my hats off to that fraction of mumbaikars.
but despite all the trauma, the mess was cleared overnight and things were back on track (for u n me)
i hope someday the situation will improve and we can really show the true spirit of mumbaikars and stop being a part of crowd.
- ameyas7
finally i left for home @ 7:40 pm and reached home arnd 8:45 pm so luckily no hassles for me at all. kudos to the office bus :D its a royal luxury in such times ;) just kidding. after i reached home, i went online ... just like i do every other day :) lotsa msgs started popping up. few of my friends who wanted to reach their family back here in india but they cudn get thru so i was tryin for a while. but no luck till past 9 pm. being online is a good way to communicate especially when al the phone lines r enggaged / jammed. my sis had also called but i wasnt home then. one of my friend told me that all the friends who were expected to be nearby jogeshwari were safe at their relative's place. so a sigh of relief. next day i came to know that they were just a train behind the 1 that was blast. who can even think that a missed train can really make a difference of life n death but ask those who missed that train.
i was checking the news on TV .. lot of stills, videos, interviews .... ppl were blaming the police, RPF , govt ..... yes i agree that its but natural to react in this way but somehow i feel even they cudn't have done much of a difference. it was the local public who came to the rescue of these victims.
today i got loadssssssssssss of mails ... came across newspaper's headlines ..... mumbai back on track ... mumbaikar's spirit ...... ppl r resuming for work .. this n that ... lotsa celebrities gave their opinions about the SPIRIT ....... but if u think carefully its only people like you and me who didn't really suffer the tragedy went back on work just like any other day ... but will things be the same for those who actually suffered the tragedy... those who lost their loved ones those who suffered serious (permanent) injuries. will life ever be back to normal for them ? will compensation really help ?
yes of course i agree that they will come over it someday but its gonna take some time.
but when everyone else is talking about the spirit, i feel "we really dont have any other choice" we are just trying to hide the facts but hiding facts wont change the situation. its a real shame that such incidents are happening quite often. i seriously dont know why we treat failure of the system as spirit of mumbai ? its high time we should realize its the helplessness of the city rather than the spirit. i think we are getting used to such incidences ... we are ignoring severe incidents (like yday) under the tag of SPIRIT. "ab to aadat si hai mujhko .. aise jeene mein ....."
but during the news i also saw many volunteers forming a longggggggggg queue to donate blood to help the victims in every possible way .. many local students also gave shelter to needy ones in their hostels ... lots of food, water n basic necessities being distributed ... even the media (news channels, radio stations) acted as a messenger for needy ppl, they also gave out the good amount of info as to which victims have been admitted to which hospitals, their contact numbers etc ..... only these small fraction of people DESERVE the SPIRIT tag others were just being a part of the crowd. my hats off to that fraction of mumbaikars.
but despite all the trauma, the mess was cleared overnight and things were back on track (for u n me)
i hope someday the situation will improve and we can really show the true spirit of mumbaikars and stop being a part of crowd.
- ameyas7
Monday, July 10, 2006
what a header
finally azzouri s made it. they were a good team but i am not sure if this entire worldcup was a fare game. just toooo many foul plays. its really depressing when u see worldclass players making all such false appeal, all sorta drama n even intentional injuries.
starting from quarter finals
argentina vs germany: first of all argentina's goal keeper got injured. franco came as a substitute. no doubt that germans were strong but u never know what twist the game wud've taken had the keeper been there :(
portugal vs england: portugal player c. ronaldo sets a trap for rooney n rooney's out. beckham gets injured. 10 vs 11 still england made it to penalty shoot-outs but were not fortunate enough to make through.
brazil vs france: zizou shows gives a cross to henry (amazin pass n well collected by henry) it had to be a GOAL n it was. brazillians had all the stars but their main problem is they lack co-ordination n their defense is _POOR_ there was no1 to cover henry when he scored against the brazil. how cud they make such a big mistake. but they din have that golden touch throughout the tournament. Ronaldo must retire now. Ronaldiniho has great skills but he cudn't make a way for his team. although i must agree that brazil was the only team which truly showed sportsmanship under any circumstances.
italy vs ukraine was a good match though.
germany vs italy: it was tuff1 n both the teams were strong enough but azzouris scored 2-0 in the last few mins of extra time. n it was good1.
portugal vs frrance: i thought it'd b piece of cake for french to get portugese down. but they were equally good. or mebbe the french wanted to keep themselves away from the rowdi game from portugese lol.
n then the grand finale
azzouris vs france: the most disappointing match in many ways. french were given a penalty in first few mins of the game. frankly speaking it wasn't a foul. but zizou took then shot n it had to be GOAL. later on Materazzi scored on french. that was real good1 ... i must agree. then there were cuple of misses. Zizou made a superb header but Buffon saved it. both were too good.
n then few mins later Zizou gives a headbutt to Materazzi n he was given a red card. every1 knew by that time that the game was over for french.
it was pretty much irresponsible from Zizou. especially considering
1) it was his last match of his outstanding career
2) captain is supposed be more responsible. he shd be the last 1 to jump off the boat should the boat drown.
3) it was worldcup finals. the stakes were toooo high for something stupid like that.
but he's a good guy n im sure if Zizou has done it, there must be something serious that happened between those two n no1 knows it yet. i'm still waiting to listen to his side of the story. i just cant take that he made such an irresponsible act for no reason. but then if one thinks rationally, no matter what the reason he shouldn have done it n red card was pretty obvious.
it is the talk of the town n every1 s sayin that it was a major blunder on his part but we fail to understand what went through his mind. he was under tremendous pressure. score 1-1, worldcup finals, his last match of the career, missed header, Henry was out(substituted) , the pressure to win the match n Materazzi incident simply added sparks to cause the explosion.
but i still doubt if it was a burnout from the match pressure. Zizou can deal with such a situation with a very cool head. so only he n Materazzi can explain what went wrong. but even after all this noone can deny his talent. he was simply a one-man army.
overall it was entirely messed up worldcup 2006. but good entertainment for last one month.
n on the tennis front Roger Federer wins the wimbledon title. this guy gets better n better every match. kudos to him.
- ameyas7
starting from quarter finals
argentina vs germany: first of all argentina's goal keeper got injured. franco came as a substitute. no doubt that germans were strong but u never know what twist the game wud've taken had the keeper been there :(
portugal vs england: portugal player c. ronaldo sets a trap for rooney n rooney's out. beckham gets injured. 10 vs 11 still england made it to penalty shoot-outs but were not fortunate enough to make through.
brazil vs france: zizou shows gives a cross to henry (amazin pass n well collected by henry) it had to be a GOAL n it was. brazillians had all the stars but their main problem is they lack co-ordination n their defense is _POOR_ there was no1 to cover henry when he scored against the brazil. how cud they make such a big mistake. but they din have that golden touch throughout the tournament. Ronaldo must retire now. Ronaldiniho has great skills but he cudn't make a way for his team. although i must agree that brazil was the only team which truly showed sportsmanship under any circumstances.
italy vs ukraine was a good match though.
germany vs italy: it was tuff1 n both the teams were strong enough but azzouris scored 2-0 in the last few mins of extra time. n it was good1.
portugal vs frrance: i thought it'd b piece of cake for french to get portugese down. but they were equally good. or mebbe the french wanted to keep themselves away from the rowdi game from portugese lol.
n then the grand finale
azzouris vs france: the most disappointing match in many ways. french were given a penalty in first few mins of the game. frankly speaking it wasn't a foul. but zizou took then shot n it had to be GOAL. later on Materazzi scored on french. that was real good1 ... i must agree. then there were cuple of misses. Zizou made a superb header but Buffon saved it. both were too good.
n then few mins later Zizou gives a headbutt to Materazzi n he was given a red card. every1 knew by that time that the game was over for french.
it was pretty much irresponsible from Zizou. especially considering
1) it was his last match of his outstanding career
2) captain is supposed be more responsible. he shd be the last 1 to jump off the boat should the boat drown.
3) it was worldcup finals. the stakes were toooo high for something stupid like that.
but he's a good guy n im sure if Zizou has done it, there must be something serious that happened between those two n no1 knows it yet. i'm still waiting to listen to his side of the story. i just cant take that he made such an irresponsible act for no reason. but then if one thinks rationally, no matter what the reason he shouldn have done it n red card was pretty obvious.
it is the talk of the town n every1 s sayin that it was a major blunder on his part but we fail to understand what went through his mind. he was under tremendous pressure. score 1-1, worldcup finals, his last match of the career, missed header, Henry was out(substituted) , the pressure to win the match n Materazzi incident simply added sparks to cause the explosion.
but i still doubt if it was a burnout from the match pressure. Zizou can deal with such a situation with a very cool head. so only he n Materazzi can explain what went wrong. but even after all this noone can deny his talent. he was simply a one-man army.
overall it was entirely messed up worldcup 2006. but good entertainment for last one month.
n on the tennis front Roger Federer wins the wimbledon title. this guy gets better n better every match. kudos to him.
- ameyas7
Friday, June 30, 2006
life i$ calling where r u .....

boy'o'boy. What a comeback ! Going against Gravity ;)
30th June 2006, somewhere deep within I had the intuitions @ good things coming my way.
first I could catch the company bus on time (lol this is also one of the rare phenomenon ;) jus kiddin) but lotsa good things happening since last week. looks like life has taken a U turn.
well this graph is @ NSE index.... hehehe, no no I haven't invested all my savings in stock n I don't _solely_ depend on it ;)
but (the myth:) somehow I have seen the NSE index n the graph of my life go hand-in-hand (the fact: just couple of coincidences but in short period) so if you need a foreword @ nse index consult me @ the happenings in my life .... hahahaha
also got an opportunity to work on TIBCO Businesswork. we are migrating from TIBCO IM to Businessworks. I always wanted to be part of this but was not till yday :)
such a perfect way to end the week/month. Wow I can hear some $$$$ sound in my bank ;)
ye got all arrears n my first sal after the raise :D
12 days to go b4 Piyush (1 of my best friend) lands here :) the countdown begins. he'll b in pune though, we'll meet on weekends prob.
worldcup is getting better n better every day. unfortunately argentina is out :( They are great players. I liked them because of their teamwork n selflessness. Its like no1 is a star but at the same time every1 is :) other teams majorly depend on their star players. I feel pity @ the star players when others fail to support them :) and thats where argentina had the plus side. Nonetheless all the penalties (by germans) were on target. It was a damn good match.
Well if you have missed the action, you can watch all the goals scored so far in the FIFA Worldcup 2006 here
last but not the least .... rains have started to pour in n looks like we'll get some holidays this year as well. it happens only in india ;) ... lol
signing off
- ameyas7
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
life is a rOLLerCOAster ......

at last some good times in my life. got my first raise :) it feels good however sad increment might be lol :D
i had been to dapoli last sat sun with ncst friends ... it was amazing experience .... we had BLAST.
well that is pretty much clear from the flickr stream "dapoli_apnasistgang" tag.
we were 10 of us (ijoe, cjoe, me, deepak, ketan, rashna, sanju, puja, poonam, megha) . we had hired 1 qualis n cjoe got his car. we had planned to leave at 6:30 am but we started off late as usual @ arnd 8 am n the latecomers were none other than me ijoe n cjoe.
we enjoyed the journey as well. we took few wrong turns, paid tolls in wrong places :)) but we enjoyed every single moment of the picnic. all the married couples, deepak and spinsters were in qualis n myself ijoe n cjoe were in alto (cjoe's car). we used to stop almost anywhere we felt like. after few stops the qualis people gave up waiting on us :)) we also visited some cave like structure on the way where we enjoyed a small treck. finally we reached dapoli at around 2:30- 3 pm. had our lunch, took some rest and then we left for murud beach. the water was bit mirky there. but still we had fun. then after some photo session we came back to our hotel (actually it was a bunglow). unfortunately those who arrived first didn't have the keys so they had to perform some stunt, like entering through the window and then opening the backdoor for others to get in :))
after that everyone took a shower n then there was wining n dining program ;)
after the dinner we played cards for a while n then 4 of us (ijoe cjoe me n deepk) went for a nightwalk n we were roaming around till 1 am we also shot some snaps, tried to capture all ghostly images ;) we could have roam around whole night but ijoe didn't want to miss argentina's match so we came back
next day we had planned to visit kelshi beach which was supposed to have white sand. we planned to leave early morning but could not get up till 8 am ... then we did some creative photo sessions n finally we left the place after taking the breakfast at around 10 am. after longgggggggg 2-3 hrs of journey we reached kelshi n there was no white sand at all in fact there was no sand at all .... hardly any. also the water was total give up so we decided to return to the base. of course i was the 1 to blame ;) so they even tried to put me into that dirty water ;) but im da superman. 1 vs 4 :)) but still they cudn succeed :D
while coming back we found one more beach which was much cleaner n was really good. so we took a halt and statred playing there ..... the beach was lil risky so we din go much deep. but even the knee-deep water was having great force to bring us down. but we had fun ..... in fact that was the best time we enoyed during the picnic. after some time we left as we were gettin late and wanted to avoid the night travel. we took another halt on the way on other beach .... actually we got down to enjoy the rains but there was a beach nearby but other gangmembers controlled us not to enter the beach again as they knew it'd take arnd an hour to get out of there :)) but rains n beach is an awesome combination :) though some people dun like the idea, i'd say "try it to beilive it"
finally we reached our place at 3 pm we had quick lunch (i was the last 1 to get up as usual ;) )
we left dapoli at 4 pm and started our journey to home.
on da way we took a halt at some waterfall, took few snaps. all the alto ppl became Himesh Reshmia's fan as every 2nd song on the radio was by him. we also took a snap in his pose ;)
in short it was the best picnic ever for me. i'm sure it holds for others as well :) yes we missed all those who cudn make it (prashant, swati, priya, dheeraj, sagar, devu, vikram n their respective soulmates ;) ), they better not give any excuses for next event.
the climate was awesome there. the clouds, grass , flowers, everything was so colorful and beautiful. in dapoli u'll feel like its hill station but at the same time u can enjoy the sea-shore.
and yes still i haven't seen dabhol power plant, the white sand beach and the doplhins yet. these are sufficient reasons to make a 3rd visit there ;)
all the credit goes to poonam for organising things in such a short time n of course the credit for idea goes to me ;)
3 cheers to dapoli n the apnasistgang.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
time is money ....
this is what we learn since our childhood but i have realised time is much more than money
money once spent can always be earned back but time spent is gone forever and will never come back.
the worst part is most of the times people (including me) realise it only when it is too late and unfortunately the history repeats itself over and over.
so stop wasting time coz every single moment is important. your future relies on how you act now.
well these are very simple things in life and we all are very much aware of it but ever wondered why we always overlook it.
- ameyas7
money once spent can always be earned back but time spent is gone forever and will never come back.
the worst part is most of the times people (including me) realise it only when it is too late and unfortunately the history repeats itself over and over.
so stop wasting time coz every single moment is important. your future relies on how you act now.
well these are very simple things in life and we all are very much aware of it but ever wondered why we always overlook it.
- ameyas7
Saturday, June 17, 2006
watching the sun go down ....

as i write this, i recall the first line of my last blog entry ... i've got the answer..... do i need to say anything anymore.....
well this week was going good initially but things got screwed in the later part. somehow i had strong feelings that things were goin wrong but was just waiting to see it come true ... did i really have any choice ?
its similar to watching the sun go down. in your life you'll come across many situations where you will feel the pain of watching things coming to an end.... but when there's sunset on this side there's a sunrise on the other and always remember that the sun will rise once again ..... and thats wot life is all about ... welcome to the real world.
but then there are also eclipse like conditions which are more temporary in nature.... was it an eclipse or a sunset ? .... only time will tell my friend.
wow such a creative pain im going thru :)
yes finally i got my (right thumb) nail removed .... it was painful .... but as the new 1 was coming had 2 get rid of this ..... for those of who didn't know ... it was hurt arnd 1.5 mnths back in some stupid accident and got worse over time.
agar nail tuta to itna dard, socho agar dil tute to kya ho ;)
- ameyas7
Saturday, June 10, 2006
crisis time
cud it get ne worse than this? but hope this phase wont last long.
the only good thing this week was i saw fanna. cudnt wait nemore 2 see that :)
its a good movie. the end sux cud've been much better..... but otherwise everythin (the shayari, songs, dialogues, kajol all r damn good). aamir looks pretty old now but still he has acted well (as usual).
another gud news was piyush (1 of my best buddy since school) is comin next mnth on a business tour. tho he'll b in pune ... we will have blast (every weekend :D )
stock crisis still continues altho sensex went up on friday but i dun think it will continue 4 long monday noon or max by COB monday it shd again come down.
on da work front: not much of work nowadays .... lil relaxed.
worldcup fever has begun n the germany - CRC was a gud start.
the only good thing this week was i saw fanna. cudnt wait nemore 2 see that :)
its a good movie. the end sux cud've been much better..... but otherwise everythin (the shayari, songs, dialogues, kajol all r damn good). aamir looks pretty old now but still he has acted well (as usual).
another gud news was piyush (1 of my best buddy since school) is comin next mnth on a business tour. tho he'll b in pune ... we will have blast (every weekend :D )
stock crisis still continues altho sensex went up on friday but i dun think it will continue 4 long monday noon or max by COB monday it shd again come down.
on da work front: not much of work nowadays .... lil relaxed.
worldcup fever has begun n the germany - CRC was a gud start.
Friday, June 02, 2006
its raining men .....
yet another week endz.
highs-lows still continue in almost everything :)
the rain has started to pour in. every1 is hoping that the last year tragedy does not repeat. but unfortunately things do not look really good as of now.
but nonetheless i (we al) luv rainy season than any other season. especially i luv 2 visit sea shore during rainy season. its an amazing experience. (even if u have no company .... lol :p)
had stuck up with some problem @ work. quite an interesting piece of work. it was on TIBCO. needed some form of communication between jvms. the problem was solved with some other approach but while hunting i found some cool stuff JBossCache for distributed cache across jvms. altho it was not approved for other issues but it really is cool thing.
we had small party 2de for sooraj's bday n farewell to raksha (colleagues @ work). shes leavin for b'lore tom. poornima left last week n raksha will follow her wherever she goes ;) thtswot best buddies r al @ :D
last week alonso made it to the podium 1st place @ monaco .... kimi cudn make it till end. his engine smoked up b4 finish. but it was a good race tho. monaco is known 4 challenges.
saw beyond tomorrow on discovery jus now .... they were showing Bionic Limbs for disabled. one of the gr8 inventions. then there were few more inventions n lastly self-chilling beer can :)
wot a perfect way 2 end the week ;) jus after this show there was a show on psychic helping detectives to solve criminal cases. beyond tomorrow back to back with psychic show ... pretty much contradictory stuff in 1 hr. :) thts wot i enjoy .... exploring extremes.
waiting for some football action ..... n of course appraisal :D
- ameyas7
highs-lows still continue in almost everything :)
the rain has started to pour in. every1 is hoping that the last year tragedy does not repeat. but unfortunately things do not look really good as of now.
but nonetheless i (we al) luv rainy season than any other season. especially i luv 2 visit sea shore during rainy season. its an amazing experience. (even if u have no company .... lol :p)
had stuck up with some problem @ work. quite an interesting piece of work. it was on TIBCO. needed some form of communication between jvms. the problem was solved with some other approach but while hunting i found some cool stuff JBossCache for distributed cache across jvms. altho it was not approved for other issues but it really is cool thing.
we had small party 2de for sooraj's bday n farewell to raksha (colleagues @ work). shes leavin for b'lore tom. poornima left last week n raksha will follow her wherever she goes ;) thtswot best buddies r al @ :D
last week alonso made it to the podium 1st place @ monaco .... kimi cudn make it till end. his engine smoked up b4 finish. but it was a good race tho. monaco is known 4 challenges.
saw beyond tomorrow on discovery jus now .... they were showing Bionic Limbs for disabled. one of the gr8 inventions. then there were few more inventions n lastly self-chilling beer can :)
wot a perfect way 2 end the week ;) jus after this show there was a show on psychic helping detectives to solve criminal cases. beyond tomorrow back to back with psychic show ... pretty much contradictory stuff in 1 hr. :) thts wot i enjoy .... exploring extremes.
waiting for some football action ..... n of course appraisal :D
- ameyas7
Monday, May 29, 2006
well attitude is a misapprehended term. many ppl consider having an attitude is a bad sign while in reality we all have attitude.
Attitude: A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways.
so u alwayz beilieved there are two types of attitude positive and negative.
positive: those who assume or shud i say hope everything will be smooth and jus keep going against all odds to achieve their goal.
negative: those who lack self-belief and simply quit even when they have the potential.
well that does not mean you show the same attitude in everything. how you deal with things is also subject to other factors including your past experiences. but more or less people tend to be on one side of the court most of the times.
if you observe people carefully you will find another type and im one of them
it really works [for me at least]
conservative: blend of both positive, negative ... just pick the best of both worlds. give ur best but be prepared for the worst and most of the times u'd achieve more than wot u'd if you were only +ve .
if you stick to positive you run into a risk of overconfidence whereas being negative doesnt help either. so getting the balance is the key.
so if you ever thought i have -ve attitude, the secret is now unveiled ;)
- ameyas7
Attitude: A complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways.
so u alwayz beilieved there are two types of attitude positive and negative.
positive: those who assume or shud i say hope everything will be smooth and jus keep going against all odds to achieve their goal.
negative: those who lack self-belief and simply quit even when they have the potential.
well that does not mean you show the same attitude in everything. how you deal with things is also subject to other factors including your past experiences. but more or less people tend to be on one side of the court most of the times.
if you observe people carefully you will find another type and im one of them
it really works [for me at least]
conservative: blend of both positive, negative ... just pick the best of both worlds. give ur best but be prepared for the worst and most of the times u'd achieve more than wot u'd if you were only +ve .
if you stick to positive you run into a risk of overconfidence whereas being negative doesnt help either. so getting the balance is the key.
so if you ever thought i have -ve attitude, the secret is now unveiled ;)
- ameyas7
Monday, May 22, 2006
patience pays

this looks like an abyss or even cardiograph :)
ye almost every1 skipped their beat today when the sensex came crashing and the circuit breaker was applied. no1 was even sure if it'd continue, looked like the recovery would take months. but after an hour or two market opened again and fortunately showed some signs of recovery. hopefully things would be back on track by this weekend. this is the best time to invest (trust me if u have the $, this is the best time to pour in, u'll get returns like nething if u ride the wave now)
if u r still under loss (like me) jus hang in there for a while. afterall patience pays.
- ameyas7
Saturday, May 20, 2006
absolute introvert
WARNING: If you get drowned in this blog , you will need to devote considerable amount of time to go thru it. so if u r not free (like me) at the moment, bookmark this n go thru it later.
came across an interesting article on introverts n realized this is sooooo me :)
on googling landed up with detailed info on
1) myers-briggs theory on personality types
2) introverts personality traits.
Also went through this link for types of personalities (same stuff actually but have some short tests here 2 identify ur type). on taking the test, my type was INTp
If you want to know more about my personality type ( click here ) this is a must read.
if u've ever wondered why i never hav a smiling face for the camera (most of the times i have to try, even tho i have a smilin face otherwise ;) ) go throuh this article.
only 25% of ppl r introverts. feel good @ it :p i've never enojyed crowd neways ;) lol
introverts reacharge themselves they receive energy from within rather than from the outside world. <web-extract >They can't get lost in the energy of the crowd the way extroverts do but keep a strong sense of self that often makes them feel highly self conscious. But with a strong sense of self, introverts are not easily swayed by others' opinions. </web-extract >
if you know me for more than 4-5 yrs. u'd certainly agree with me(being an introvert). introvert is not the one who has no friends or no1 to talk to but its lot beyond that. there are "social introverts" i ain giving u links on this :p (not spoonfeeding ;) go google urself. so even if u find me jabbin all da time, deep down im really an introvert. note that introvert is not same as stage fear or being isolated all da time.
as most of u know i do not enjoy reading books (except technical) but yes i've always preferred reading artciles, columns. they r short n sweet. mostly scientific, realted to humans (absolutely nething n everything @ humans right from human body to mind,soul etc.), scoail issues and technical as well. i've enjoyed watchin discovery shows than movies. i prefer reality over fiction, well fiction does not include beyond2000 shows on discovery ;) hahaha.
about me, wot u see on the surface is completely different view than wots deep down. its like an ocean of emotions ... on the surface u might find me as calm n quiet (emotionally) but deep inside there r changes, erruptions happening constantly. dun try pushin me beyond my limits or else u'll get tsunami :))
well this is all what i've to say. go thru the links, take tests, let me know wot ur type is. beilive me its a gr8 feelin to discover thyself.
signin off
came across an interesting article on introverts n realized this is sooooo me :)
on googling landed up with detailed info on
1) myers-briggs theory on personality types
2) introverts personality traits.
Also went through this link for types of personalities (same stuff actually but have some short tests here 2 identify ur type). on taking the test, my type was INTp
If you want to know more about my personality type ( click here ) this is a must read.
if u've ever wondered why i never hav a smiling face for the camera (most of the times i have to try, even tho i have a smilin face otherwise ;) ) go throuh this article.
only 25% of ppl r introverts. feel good @ it :p i've never enojyed crowd neways ;) lol
introverts reacharge themselves they receive energy from within rather than from the outside world. <web-extract >
if you know me for more than 4-5 yrs. u'd certainly agree with me(being an introvert). introvert is not the one who has no friends or no1 to talk to but its lot beyond that. there are "social introverts" i ain giving u links on this :p (not spoonfeeding ;) go google urself. so even if u find me jabbin all da time, deep down im really an introvert. note that introvert is not same as stage fear or being isolated all da time.
as most of u know i do not enjoy reading books (except technical) but yes i've always preferred reading artciles, columns. they r short n sweet. mostly scientific, realted to humans (absolutely nething n everything @ humans right from human body to mind,soul etc.), scoail issues and technical as well. i've enjoyed watchin discovery shows than movies. i prefer reality over fiction, well fiction does not include beyond2000 shows on discovery ;) hahaha.
about me, wot u see on the surface is completely different view than wots deep down. its like an ocean of emotions ... on the surface u might find me as calm n quiet (emotionally) but deep inside there r changes, erruptions happening constantly. dun try pushin me beyond my limits or else u'll get tsunami :))
well this is all what i've to say. go thru the links, take tests, let me know wot ur type is. beilive me its a gr8 feelin to discover thyself.
signin off
not such a good week(end)
its been a pretty hectic week. work pressures plus suffered financial losses in stock :( going thru bad times (or shd i say correction factor) .... i've alwayz been pro-globalization but sometimes it can b painful :) the market is goin absolute haywire. actually this is a good time 2 make investment but im broke now ;) got no more fundz 2 put in for stock
neways need 2 hang in there for some time (no other choice lol)
the reservation issue is getting lot of rage here. it was bad 2 see all medical students been hit badly by police. i wish 2 see reservation-free india the whole concept has no base. heres a nice article on indian reservations (link shared by rishikeshshetty, ncst pal) lot of demonstrations/protests against reservation issue by students/professionals. why cant we simply stop using castes, afterall its only a man-made attribute. instead of providing reservations, govt shd provide scholarships/financial aid etc. ye ye every1 knows that but can (are) we really do(ing) something about it? i guess we all want to do something about it to change it but dont know wot to do. stay updated @ news on reservation issue here n chk out wots happenin in ur town n do participate if u can. i do not beilive in online petitions. the whole concept is meaningless. coz 1 person can put entry as many times as he/she desires to. so it doesn make ne point.
have to go to office tom eve for production work. working on sundayz is BAD except for pizza party ;) but then its only for 3-4 hours so not that bad. so overall not a good week n weekend as well.
neways need 2 hang in there for some time (no other choice lol)
the reservation issue is getting lot of rage here. it was bad 2 see all medical students been hit badly by police. i wish 2 see reservation-free india the whole concept has no base. heres a nice article on indian reservations (link shared by rishikeshshetty, ncst pal) lot of demonstrations/protests against reservation issue by students/professionals. why cant we simply stop using castes, afterall its only a man-made attribute. instead of providing reservations, govt shd provide scholarships/financial aid etc. ye ye every1 knows that but can (are) we really do(ing) something about it? i guess we all want to do something about it to change it but dont know wot to do. stay updated @ news on reservation issue here n chk out wots happenin in ur town n do participate if u can. i do not beilive in online petitions. the whole concept is meaningless. coz 1 person can put entry as many times as he/she desires to. so it doesn make ne point.
have to go to office tom eve for production work. working on sundayz is BAD except for pizza party ;) but then its only for 3-4 hours so not that bad. so overall not a good week n weekend as well.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Changing Minds....
have u ever been criticised to change your opinions/views on certain things ?
well i belong to the "changing minds" category. and why not. what is wrong with reviewing your own views. most of the times our views are based on certain premise. but as time passes n facts emerge, one must revise his/her views. many ppl would relate maturity with CONSTANT/STABLE views. i'd rather say its only human to change n adapt to the changes.
in fact i beilive that it is one of the best things about humans. this reminds me of couple of shows/seminars on machine learning systems. earlier machines were built with some programmed chip which would simply do the routine job. but great amount of effort has already been put in building systems which would rather self-learn its job. people are trying to build machines/systems which will mature over time by learning the facts.
lets not get more into it.
but i have seen ppl would hesitate to accept that their views being different than what it was earlier. i simply fail to understand why. if you have strong reason/base jus go ahead with the change.
so the bottom line is constant review of your views will lead to mature views.
have u reviewed ur views 2de? (nice tagline ;) hahaha)
well i belong to the "changing minds" category. and why not. what is wrong with reviewing your own views. most of the times our views are based on certain premise. but as time passes n facts emerge, one must revise his/her views. many ppl would relate maturity with CONSTANT/STABLE views. i'd rather say its only human to change n adapt to the changes.
in fact i beilive that it is one of the best things about humans. this reminds me of couple of shows/seminars on machine learning systems. earlier machines were built with some programmed chip which would simply do the routine job. but great amount of effort has already been put in building systems which would rather self-learn its job. people are trying to build machines/systems which will mature over time by learning the facts.
lets not get more into it.
but i have seen ppl would hesitate to accept that their views being different than what it was earlier. i simply fail to understand why. if you have strong reason/base jus go ahead with the change.
so the bottom line is constant review of your views will lead to mature views.
have u reviewed ur views 2de? (nice tagline ;) hahaha)
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Getting Philosophical
was just thinking about atul chitnis's session on how size and distance are related. he showed a simple example to illustrate that many factors contribute towards the effectiveness/usefulness of a thing. n u cant ignore any of them. he simply asked us if the clock on the wall was bigger than your wristwatch. well if u compare them side by side the wall-clock is much bigger in size but when the wall clock is hung on the wall, its prob at a much longer distance than ur wristwatch n thus u'll find wristwatch 2 b more effective.
well theres not much of a connection of his statement with what i've concluded :)) as he was simply talkin about mobile computing and its problems. but somehow i've landed with the following thoughts.
when u r actually going through problems, you will always feel that this is the biggest problem but few yrs down the line the same problem will appear to be really small. so basically as u travel the distance in time, even the biggest problem then, will appear to be the tiniest. the point is always try to have a birds eye view when u r dealing with any problem and soon u'll realise dealing with any problem is no problem at all.
well theres not much of a connection of his statement with what i've concluded :)) as he was simply talkin about mobile computing and its problems. but somehow i've landed with the following thoughts.
when u r actually going through problems, you will always feel that this is the biggest problem but few yrs down the line the same problem will appear to be really small. so basically as u travel the distance in time, even the biggest problem then, will appear to be the tiniest. the point is always try to have a birds eye view when u r dealing with any problem and soon u'll realise dealing with any problem is no problem at all.
Yahoo! mail beta
got yahoo mail beta invite few days back. n it rox.so live mail is in. got gmail, hotmail (windoz live), Y! mail all r into live clients.
every1 luvs gmail. somehow i dun use it as much as yahoo or hotmail but their concept is unbeatable. but im stil attached 2 Y! mail.
windoz live mail is good as well but kinda buggy as of now. i have to open my box 2-3 times (encountered quite often) in order to get in. not sure if this is bcoz of my resoultion size. also many a times it hangs after attaching the file. it sux coz uve already waited for it 2 attach the doc n then u have 2 close it down.
yahoo mail beta rox in its own way. pretty smooth n classy in style (as always) it looks stunning and when u open the mail, it opens it as a new tab rather than jus opening in ur inbox. so u can switch back n forth between mails/box. u have to use it to beilive it. so far no bugs with Y! beta. nice mailing experience. need 2 explore more.
- ameyas7
every1 luvs gmail. somehow i dun use it as much as yahoo or hotmail but their concept is unbeatable. but im stil attached 2 Y! mail.
windoz live mail is good as well but kinda buggy as of now. i have to open my box 2-3 times (encountered quite often) in order to get in. not sure if this is bcoz of my resoultion size. also many a times it hangs after attaching the file. it sux coz uve already waited for it 2 attach the doc n then u have 2 close it down.
yahoo mail beta rox in its own way. pretty smooth n classy in style (as always) it looks stunning and when u open the mail, it opens it as a new tab rather than jus opening in ur inbox. so u can switch back n forth between mails/box. u have to use it to beilive it. so far no bugs with Y! beta. nice mailing experience. need 2 explore more.
- ameyas7
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Barcamp Mumbai

heya folks,
Barcamp: bunch of geeks, gadgets, samosas, WiFi connection, tea, coffee and geek talks put together and best of all it is free.
i attended barcamp mumbai today. it was gr8 to see all geeky (tho im not1 yet) ppl / stuff in town in action. well thanks to vinayak (vincrazy http://vinayakh.livejournal.com/ ) for sharing the info. the session started with sms based applications ... it was good 1 .. tho nothing gr8, idea was simple yet cool. then there were talks on AJAX , RIA (sounds like some babe ;) ) but stands for Rich (sexy) :)) Internet Applications jus like ur yahoo beta mail, windoz live mail etc. got a chance to get an overview on open laszlo, flex. talkin @ flex one of my ncst friend rishikesh (tho we havent yet met so far :) jus yahoo pals) is working on flex development team with adobe. flex is the adobe's coolest product for developing RIA solutions.
barcamp is not only about techy stuff but there were few generic / non techie talks as well. there were kaustubh and shreyas (founders of infinity radio). they rocked the show :D well they actually du that everyday so nothin gr8 for them ... hahaha ... they run an online streaming radio which streams "virgin" indian (independent) music rock / folk / heavy metal / devotional nethin n everything. YOU VE GOT TO CHECK THIS OUT NOW! http://infinityradio.info/ basically they are making an attempt to provide a platform to the bands who have the potential. and the entire hosting expenses go str8 from their pockets as of now. 3 cheers 2 em.
then there were some techie talks on LISP emacs hackin n few others. we also had a session on WEB 2.0 (i am still not clear with the scope of web 2.0 apps :)) ) then we saw some cool gadgets , apps. there was also a session on hosting pictures on your own websites rather than using flickr or other hosting services. ( by Tariq http://www.tariquesani.net ) Atul ( http://atulchitnis.com/ ) gave a session on mobile computing. it was also quite good n interesting.
you can expect some flickr action at this tag http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/barcampmumbai/well overall it was a good camp. though it wasnt like other conceptual seminars @ IIT but it was more of sharing knowledge, more on technical side. and then chai , snax n lunch were good as well :D also got wikipedia webpack dvd by webaroo.
last but not the least saw kororaa linux distro which can actually let u revolve (ye u heard it correctly "revolving desktop" XGL graphics http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/5476 ) ur desktop in all 4 faces ( as if it was cube) it was way too cool, also u cud set transparency n some other eyecandy stuff. i kno i kno sun's glass will offer lot more but it was gr8 to see this in live.
so well thts all @ barcampmumbai'06
me signin off for now
My first blog on blogger.com
heya ppl,
well well this is my first blog here. i do blog on yahoo 360 though not frequently but have couple of blogs there. from now on ill replicate all my blogs on here as well :)
for my earlier blogs n more info check http://360.yahoo.com/ameyas7
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